Plant Growth Promoters


Potassium humate based formulation

General Information

CADGrow is a humate based formulation available as CADGrow [L-12] and CADGrow P [85%]. This product has highly condensed concentrate of humic substances which contains humic and fulvic acids and numerous biologically active trace elements as humic acid complexes.

Active Ingredients

  • Potassium Humate 12 %

Benefits of CADGrow

Physical benefits

  • Increased water holding capacity of soil resulting in improved drought tolerance
  • Increased aeration of soil
  • Improved soil workability and reduced soil erosion

Chemical Benefits

  • Increased percentage of total nitrogen in the soil
  • pH neutralizer: Alkaline and acidic soils neutralized
  • Maximized ion exchange capacity and mineral and nutrient uptake
  • Fertilizers retained and released in root zones as needed

Biological Benefits

  • Accelerated cell division, thus stimulating plant growth
  • Increased cell wall thickness, thus extending shelf life
  • Accelerated seed germination
  • Increase of desirable micro-organisms in soil
  • Increased vitamin content in plant
  • Increased lengthwise root growth
  • Increased plant enzyme production
  • Enhanced photosynthesis

Recommended Dosage

  • CADGrow L [12%] : 1 litre /Acre as on drip and foliar spray at pre flowering, flowering and post flowering stages
  • CADGrow P [85%] : 50 g / Acre (mix with water and spray)
  • CADGrow Gr. [12%] : 5 kg / Acre as basal application.

Method of Application

CADGrow L [12%]

  • Application rate: 1 Litre per acre as a foliar application, 2 to 3 times per growing season recommended for row crops and forages.
  • The first application should be after 20 days of seedling transplantation @ 200 ml/acre.
  • Second application is usually just before flowering or just before the onset of the reproductive stage of the crop @ 350-400ml/acre.
  • Third application would be early in the grain fill or fruit/vegetable sizing stage @ 350-400ml/acre.
  • Always apply CADGrow before fertilizer application.
  • Dilute 1 part CADGrow concentrate with 150 parts of water before foliar application.
  • Apply through sprinklers or drip irrigations

CADGrow P [85%] is suitable for agricultural and horticultural crops, fruit trees, flowering plants, turf and pasture. Also suitable for direct application in liquid form or mixing with soluble fertilizer formulations.

Soil application (Granules): The product can be used as basal or top dressing fertilizer. It can be applied alone or combined with Nitrogen and Phosphorus before seeding or planting @ 5 kg/ acre apply alone or stir well with normal NPK and apply the solution before the seed or between the plant rows

Foliar Spray (Liquid): Dilute 500 ml in 200 litres water and add to foliar fertilizers or to pesticides.

Available Packing

  • CADGrow Powder : 10g, 100g, 250g & Bulk
  • CADGrow Liquid [ L – 12 ] : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml 1000ml & 5000ml
  • CADGrow Granules : 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg & 50kg


Brassinolides based plant activity enhancer


General Information

CADMore is a novel formulation developed to trigger overall development of the plant starting from seed germination to leaf development to root / shoot growth, flower appearance, fruit setting and appearance and enhanced shelf-life. CADMore triggers specific functions attributed to plant organ imparting higher internal strength to resist biotic and abiotic stress faced during crop duration. CADMore is non-toxic and can be applied with any other chemical at any growth stage of the crop.

Active Ingredient

  • Brassinolides: 10000 ppm & Surfactant 2 %

Benefits of CADMore

  • Breaks seed dormancy and provides vigour to seed for accelerated and Uniform germination.
  • Makes plant stem more robust and leaf thicker, increasing plant efficiency to overcome biotic (pest and disease) and abiotic (drought, salinity, freezing, etc) stress and also helps crop sustain dosages of strong chemical inputs.
  • Helps rectification of yellow and small leaves and makes them greener and thicker, prevent leaf dropping and increasing plants responsiveness to nutrient and other inputs.
  • Increase amount of roots by extending root growth laterally as well as vertically increasing plants Rhizosphere.
  • Increases fruit setting, prevent fruit drop, higher flower to fruit conversion and better fruit enlargement.
  • Spraying on fruits colouring stage tends to improve fruits’ lusture, improve the shape of fruits, reduces number of deformed fruits, improves content of sugar & enhances shelf life.
  • Facilitates accumulation of metabolites in phloem, activates cambium, inhibit pre-maturation and retard aging.

Recommended Dosage

  • Foliar Spray: Apply 0.5 ml / litre of water twice or thrice at the interval of 20 days based on crop duration (Flower initiation, Fruit setting and fruit maturity stage)
  • Soil Application: Apply 50-75 ml in 200 litres of water for drip application. CADMore can be applied by other irrigation systems as well like flood irrigation, sprinklers, etc for better root development and nutrient mobilization.
  • Fruit dipping: 1 ml / 1 liter of water can be mixed along with other treatments.

Available Packing

  • 10ml, 30ml, 100ml, ,250ml, 500ml, 1000ml & Bulk



General Information

Floret is formulated with different natural plant extract which is very useful for flower initiation and controls flower drop.

Composition (per pack)

  • Plant Extracts : 66%

Benefits of Floret

  • Floret is a mixture of plant extracts which initiates flowering, decreases flower drop and improves fruit setting.
  • It can stimulate the enzymatic activities that trigger profuse flower developments
  • Also triggers specific actions which only activate the genes responsible for flower initiation and prevents flower drop.
  • This formulation is also compatible to mix with other plant nutrients, fertilizers and disease control fungicides and herbicides.

Recommended Dosage & Application

Add 2 tablets to 1 litre of water and pour the solution to 14 litres water and spray at pre flowering, flowering & post flowering for better fruit setting and quality.

Available Packing

  • Tablet: 10 Tab per strip x 5 = 1 Box

Target Crops

For all cereal crops, vegetables and all horticulture crops as a foliar spray.



A freshness agent


General Information

MintMore is an all natural granulated soil conditioner formulated specially for Mentha and other oilseed crops. This unique combination of natural actives provides freshness to the standing crop apart from improving pH of the soil and increases availability of major nutrients. Mintmore conditions soil by increasing organic matter and facilitating development and growth of beneficial soil microbes. Mintmore has been equipped with unique property to control / restrict growth of harmful soil pathogens and improve oil yield from the harvest.

Active Ingredients

  • Seaweed : 6 %
  • Biofulvic : 6 %
  • MSM : 6 %

Benefits of MintMore

  • MintMore initiates and promotes strong and vigorous development of roots giving the cuttings a superior chance of surviving.
  • It offers better drought protection, as it holds and supplies water droplets near to a plants’ root, giving a more even supply of moisture to the plants.
  • It encourages stronger, healthier plants that have a greater resistance to diseases coupled with having phytotoxic properties against soil pathogens.
  • It assists osmosis in plants and helps them increase the uptake of nutrients and proteins that will give the plants a boost to overcome the distress.
  • It dissolves minerals and trace elements fast-tracking the plant availability of rock minerals, i.e., rock phosphate and lime.
  • It acts as a natural chelating agent, slowing oxidation and converting metallic elements into readily absorbable, bio-available nutrition with very small molecular size allowing fulvic-chelated minerals rapid entry through plant cells.
  • It dissolves silica and magnifies the many benefits of this element.
  • It has natural actives that improve oil yield from the harvest.

Recommended Dosage

5kg / acre for mentha, oilseed and field crops.

Available forms & packing

  • Granule : 10kg